Category Topics

Welcome to Linko Discussions!

Please read these guidelines before you start creating new topics.

Help Center

The Help Center category talks all about the features of Linko and how to use them.

Tutorials & FAQs

General FAQs and tutorials about Linko’s features: Link Shortener, Bio Pages, QR Codes, and File Sharing.

Site Feedback

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.


Link Shortening

Have a question about link shortening? Want to learn more about how to create and use short links? This is the place! Join the conversation, ask questions, and share your knowledge with other users. Let’s explore the world of link shortening together!

Bio Links

Looking to make your bio links more engaging and effective? This category is for you! Discuss everything related to bio links, from best practices to popular tools. Ask questions, share tips, and connect with others who are passionate about creating standout online profiles.

QR Codes

Curious about QR codes? This category is for you. Ask questions, discover tips, and discuss everything related to QR codes—whether you’re using Linko’s QR Code Generator or any other tool. Dive into the conversation and expand your QR code knowledge!

Bugs and Reports

A bug report means something is broken, stopping normal use of Linko. Please search before submitting bugs. Include detailed steps to reproduce, and describe only one bug per topics please.