What is a link note?

A link note is used to add a small description for a shortened link to help you easily manage and remember the link within your account.

A link note may also be referred to as a link tag or a link description, depending on the terminology preferred by different link shortening services.

But, we call it a link note at Linko.

How to add a note or description for a short link and why?

Adding or writing a link note for a short link is like writing a brief reminder note for yourself about the short link.

We recommend using a link note to add a description for your short links, so you can understand what the link was about or where you used it.

Follow the below instructions for adding a description to your links.

  1. Login to your account and go to the dashboard,
  2. Paste your link,
  3. Click on the advanced icon,
  4. Navigate to the link note,
  5. Add your description,
  6. Click on the shorten button.